
3 Ways to Create a Post-Purchase Experience that WOWs Your Customers

In this article, we'll discuss how to create an effective post-purchase experience to improve both loyalty and revenue for your Shopify store.

3 Ways to Create a Post-Purchase Experience that WOWs Your Customers

Like most Shopify store owners, you work hard to get customers to buy from your store.

But once they've made a purchase, what happens then? Do they get treated like everyone else? Are they forgotten about until the next time they buy?

A good post-purchase journey can be the difference between a struggling business and a thriving one.

In this article, we'll be discussing...

  • Why to create a post-purchase customer journey for your Shopify store
  • How to create a post-purchase experience to improve loyalty and revenue
  • Key questions and answers around the post-purchase journey

Why create a post-purchase customer journey?

Acquiring a new customer costs five times more than keeping an existing one.

Without a positive, well-defined post-purchase experience, you're missing out on an opportunity to wow your customers and keep them coming back for more, creating repeat revenue and reducing your marketing costs.

Once the order is placed or the product is delivered, your customer will most likely have questions or concerns about their purchase. It's also when they're forming their final opinion of your brand - and possibly sharing it on social media. So you need to ensure that their post-purchase experience is smooth and hassle-free.

Many store owners struggle with providing a great post-purchase experience because they're not sure what to do. They may not have the budget to hire someone specifically for this task, or they may not know where to start.

But there are a few simple steps to ensure your customers have a great experience from start to finish.

How to create a post-purchase experience for your Shopify store

3 ways to create a post-purchase experience for customer loyalty and repeat revenue

1. Send a confirmation e-mail

Sometimes customers are not quite sure if their order went through. Sending a confirmation e-mail is a quick and easy way to confirm the transaction and ease your customer's mind.

The key to a great confirmation e-mail is making it as personal as possible. Address the customer by name and thank them for their purchase, including information on the available channels to contact customer service in case they need it.

Typically, these e-mails will include information such as the purchased item, date, shipping address, total cost, and expected delivery date. A good add-on is to include a link to track the order's shipping status.

And that's precisely when your second part of the post-purchase experience enters the game.

2. Keep your customer in the loop

When your customers place an order with your company, they trust you to keep them informed about the status of their purchase. No one wants to be left wondering when their new dress will arrive or if it's even been dispatched yet!

Here are a few tips on how to update your customer about their order:

  1. Make sure you have a clear and up-to-date order tracking system in place. This way, you can easily see the status of each order, and customers can track their purchases themselves if they want to.
  2. Give your customers a realistically expected delivery date when they place their orders.
  3. Keep your customers informed if there are any delays with their orders. Send a push notification or e-mail to let them know what's happening: It is much better than leaving them in the dark.
  4. Once an item has been dispatched, inform your customer via e-mail or push notification that their parcel is on its way, including a link where they can easily track the delivery. And they can start getting excited about receiving their products!

Don't forget to do the same when a customer returns an item. Inform them once you receive the parcel back, including the details of when and how they should expect the refund or exchange to happen.

This is what NEXT does in the UK:

Post-purchase experience for Shopify store owners
The e-mail provides all the information the customer may need: when and how the refund will take place. And in case they need further assistance, customer service details are also easy to find

3. Ask for feedback (and implement it)

When it comes to creating a great post-purchase experience, one of the most important things you can do is ask for customer feedback. Receiving your customers' opinions will help you understand what they liked about their experience - and what they didn't.

Take this as a learning opportunity: it will give insight into what you can do to improve for future customers. Once you have this feedback, be sure to implement it. A recent survey by PwC found out that more than half (55%) of customers said they would stop buying from a company they otherwise liked after several poor experiences. The main reasons? Bad experience with products and services (37%) and inefficient customer service (32%).

Besides showing your customers that you're listening to their concerns, asking for their input demonstrates that you're committed to providing them with the best possible experience. Requesting feedback is a simple way to show your customers that you care about their opinions and that you're always working to improve your business.

And you can use positive feedback to generate more interest and revenue.

A good example of a great post-purchase e-mail comes from the apparel brand Adidas. It's informative (saying the order was delivered), friendly, with a direct link to start a return process, instead of making shoppers look for it on their website:

Post purchase experience on Shopify
Adidas asks for feedback whilst informing the customer

How to deal with unexpected customer feedback

There's no easy answer to this question. It is undoubtedly a painful situation, but overcoming it is possible. The most important thing you can do is listen to what your customers say and try to understand where they're coming from. It's also important to be open to making changes based on their feedback. After all, they're the ones who have experienced your post-purchase process first-hand.

In some cases, you may need to apologise for a poor experience and offer a solution, such as a discount on their next purchase. A change in processes should be contemplated. For instance, if the criticism is about shipping delays, you will need to understand if it was a problem that happened internally. If the mistake was made by the company you use for delivery (and, if that is the case, check other service suppliers that can fulfil the business needs appropriately). 

If the issue happens with a return, policy change can prevent the same problem from happening again. No matter what, always remember that your customers are the lifeblood of your business - without them, you wouldn't be where you are today - so customer service has to be a priority.

There's no room for error when it comes to providing a great post-purchase experience. Your customers expect nothing less than perfection, and any hiccups will reflect poorly on your brand. But if you take the time to create a positive post-purchase experience, you'll be rewarded with loyal customers who are more likely to buy from you again and again. So don't wait - start creating a post-purchase experience that will wow your customers today!

Final thoughts

If you want to take your post-purchase experience a step further, then you could also encourage your customers to download your Shopify mobile app for an easier buying experience next time.

A mobile app for your Shopify store enhances the post-pruchase experience by providing customers with real-time order tracking, easy access to customer support, and personalised updates. It also helps to create better communication through push notifications, so that your customers can stay informed about shipping statuses, promotions, and any relevant store updates.

Learn more about the why you should create a mobile app for your Shopify store by reading our guide, or alternatively, you can talk to a member of our team.

Shopify Post-Purchase Experience FAQ

What are the key steps in creating a post-purchase journey?

There are a number of steps you must follow in order to create a good post-purchase journey for your Shopify store, including...

  • Order confirmation and tracking details
  • Delivery updates, including information about the return and exchange information
  • Asking for feedback and signposting customer service
  • Useful information relevant to their items
  • Encourage them to download your Shopify mobile app for an easier buying experience next time

Why is customer service important for Shopify stores?

Customer service is a key component of the overall customer experience, but importantly, in the post-purchase journey.

Customers can be understanding of issues and delays so long as they're dealt with effectively.

If you want any tips for your customer service, check out our handy blog.

How do I use reviews to get more Shopify sales?

Reviews are a fantastic way to drive new customers through already loyal ones.

9 out of 10 customers check reviews before making a purchase, so the better your reviews are, the more likely they are to convert.

Gathering reviews is a key part of the post-purchase journey, but make sure you're ready for constructive/negative feedback, too. The good thing is that strong customer service can quickly turn them positive- it's all abouthow you handle them.

Find out how reviews can help boost sales and improve customer satisfaction.

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Skyrocket your Shopify sales with a no-code Apple & Android mobile app. Available now on the Shopify app store.

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